Category: interviews
About Cella Delavrancea, with Mr Constantin Bălăceanu Stolnici
Cella Delavrancea is a symbolic figure in Romanian school of piano, both a great name and a colourful personality. So far, we only learned about her rich life from dry memoirs, books, and
Interview with conductor Peter Oschanitzky
Mr Peter Oschanitzky, both you and your older brother, pianist and composer Richard Oschanitzky, were born and raised in Timișoara, in an apartment at 44 Gheorghe Doja Street. How do you remember
Interview with Edit Gogolak, Tiberiu Olah’s sister
In Bucharest, my brother lived in three different houses. After completing his studies in Moscow in 1954, he lived at 93 Victoriei Avenue until 1959, when he married Yvonne Săucan and they both
Composer Dan Dediu, Ștefan Niculescu’s student
Does the house at 4 Sublocotenent Stăniloiu Street still belong to the Niculescu family? No, it was sold, as far as I know, and I don’t know who bought it. One Sunday during the lockdown we went
Pianist Adriana Toacsen about Ludmila Popișteanu’s apartment
How was the apartment in the famous ARO-Patria building organised? Well, first of all, it was located on the third floor, if I remember correctly – I usually took the stairs, not to go up, but
Interviu cu ing. chimist Ioana Hoisescu, fostă elevă a pianistului Dan Mizrahy
Miss Ioana Hoisescu, you often were a guest in the house of your teacher, maestro Dan Mizrahy, on 1 Turbinei Street. This address is one controversial topic. The house was built in 1923 by the
Interview with the architect Radu Tudor Popa
Ştefan Costache: The archaeology surrounding the history of the Lipattis somewhat puts us to the test, but let’s try to see clear with the little we have. There is some information, quite
Raluca Brumariu, Aurel Stroe’s daughter, interviewed by Petre Fugaciu
From his birth and until he left the country, Father lived on 35 Luigi Cazzavilan, near the Radio Hall and the Conservatoire, in the house that his parents, doctor Aurel Stroe and Haideea Stroe,
Interview with Ioana Bentoiu, daughter of composer Pascal Bentoiu
Father spent his childhood in his father’s house at 2 Intrarea Amzei, which still stands. They lived there until 1949, when my grandfather was arrested and they were thrown out one night. Father