Dinu Lipatti House

23 Povernei St., Bucharest

Povernei Street was located in a more dynamic, vivacious part of town. So, this is no longer a house of the suburbs, but a location close to the city centre. We mustn’t think, however, that a hundred years ago downtown Bucharest had avenues and tall buildings; its houses were still two-, three-storeyed at most, built as they were of wood slabs and using brick masonry.

The house on Povernei Street does have some pretentions of architecture, I should think it was designed by one of the local architects who, like most at that time, had studied abroad, a very good technician, as we would say today, who came up with a with functional space partition. The house is in the genre of what was most likely then called “urban villa”, very close by its neighbours on each side but with an open space in front.

This is clearly the house of well-to-do people, and from the available documentation we can see a central hallway, probably taller than the lateral rooms, with, likely, two rooms on the left and two on the right, the bathroom on one side and the kitchen on the other side. The height is generous, the rooms around 20-25 meters wide, so Dinu Lipatti must have had quite a space to play, run around, play his piano, and perhaps benefit from meeting the people his parents received and who shaped his artistic big-hearted personality.

Arh. Radu Tudor Popa